Have you experienced that moment of panic when you realize you may have lost your critical data? Whether you are a large corporation, small business, government agency, medical professional, photographer or an individual, our skilled engineers are trained and certified to recover data from RAID/NAS servers, internal and external hard drives, solid-state drives (SSD), USB Flash Drives, secure digital (SD/uSD/CF/XQD cards), iPhones, Android phones, iMacs, Linux, PCs, and Virtual Machines (VMs) and across virtually all operating systems and file systems.
Data Rescue MDs has successfully recovered lost data from all digital devices, including hard drives with the “click-of-death”, stiction, seized spindles, physical damage, logical or electrical failure, fire or liquid damage, corruption, and encrypted devices.
Data Rescue MDs uses state-of-the-art tools, processes, and innovative techniques to perform the delicate work in our dedicated ISO-compliant clean room and micro-soldering environments when a device has sustained electrical or mechanical damage to ensure the highest probability of success in recovering your lost data! We also offer expedited services when time is critical!
Data Rescue MDs understands that your data is important to you! If your data is recoverable, we will recover it!